Laughing Our Way Through Atlanta

Ann Pinyan


GRN Sandy Springs



Ann Pinyan

I don’t think I’ve ever met someone with the kind of life and spirit that this CEO brings to the table. It does not hurt that the first thing you realize on meeting her is that she has a killer since of humor. We laughed our way through a list of great Atlanta locations for this Branding Session for her company, Global Recruiters Sandy Springs.

The Graffitti Tour

Ann knew she wanted some colorful graffiti included in her session, so we started with mapping out locations that had artwork that matched the feel and color of her branding, as well as looking for anything special that reinforced her message or brand.  We narrowed it down to a few favorites, and then planned our caravan through Atlanta to hit the graffiti art that made the cut. These were a few of our favorites.

From there I scouted out a few parking lots, buildings, and background architecture that would be on our path, and fit well with the vibe of her session.  For a multi-site, multi-wardrobe session, planning is key!

Included with your Session

Branding Consultation

Thorough review of your current messaging and brand identify to verify it is cohesive and calibrated to your target market.

Custom Session Design

Custom-designed session to match and communicate your voice, your aesthetic, and your brand in every detail.

Professional Makeup

Professional Makeup artist who works with you to understand your personal style to create a look perfect for you.

Professional Hair Styling

Professional styling of dry hair, as well as tools and instructions for us to keep you looking freshly blown-out through your whole session.

Serving Her Clients

Ann is an executive leader, strategist and owner of the executive placement firm, GRN Sandy Springs.  They help companies move their businesses forward with the right people, in the right positions, at the right time.

But more specifically, Ann specializes in executive placement for firms in the healthcare industry.  She is uniquely qualified for this from her vast professional experience serving in the industry, as well as her personal experience as a stage 4 cancer survivor.  She has experienced pretty much every facet of the healthcare system.  What works, what doesn’t, and what people it takes to help hospitals and healthcare businesses operate.

Outside of work

Among other things that make Ann a person truly worth knowing, she is also an ovarian cancer survivor and has blogged about her experiences with an honesty and humor that makes this hard topic accessible.  She’s been an ambassador and a voice for others facing ovarian cancer.  If you’ve ever wondered what someone you know was going through, or what you could do to be THERE for them, this is a blog worth reading.  See below for a few ideas on how to be supportive if you don’t know what to say.

some things to say

when there’s really nothing to say


“I’m sorry. I know this sucks”. Really sometimes I just need you to acknowledge my pain in the moment. Don’t try to fix me. Just hear me.

“When you can’t believe it’s going to get better, I’ll believe it for you”. This one is really good. Many of you say this to me on the regular in some form or other. And it does help.

“What can I do”? My family and friends are great at this one and it is perfect. And we’ve been better about asking for help when we need it.

“I’m here. You can laugh, cry, scream or just be. I’ve got you”. We also have a lot of this in our lives.


Dragonflies are kind of her jam, and we went out of our way to work them into her session.  You’ll find them sprinkled throughout her session, some subtle and some in your face.  Here are a few.

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