Energetic. Thorough. Professional. Fun.

What do you want people to think

when they think of you?

My Story

Like a lot of people, I turned to photography because of a new baby.  It was shortly after my first beautiful niece entered the world, and I caught the bug.  Big time. What started as a means to an end quickly deepened into the most addictive, fulfilling, and rewarding study I have ever pursued.

Now as a small business owner myself, my joy is in helping others identify and document their personal brand to make their own mark.

Bits & Pieces

It can be intimidating to trust someone with taking your picture, so I’ll go first.  I’ll trust you with some things about me.  No judgement zone, right??

Confessions of a Movie-aholic

I like chick flicks. Like, really enjoy them. I also cry easily at movies, and alas… not a pretty crier.

Books, Marvelous Books!

I love to read.  My favorites are historical fiction, but I’ll read most genres.  I even love the smell of books.

Nerd Alert

I’m a game nerd. Total sucker for a good game night. If you need an extra, call me, I’m in!

Par for the Course

I was an avid golfer until my first son was born. Now I’m an average golfer, but I still love it.

Your Turn!

Okay, now you know some of my embarrassing secrets… your turn!  Click below to drop me a note.  Let me know something about you, and if there’s any way I can help you in your photography journey!

A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a person’s decision to choose one product or service over another.
— Seth Godin

Not sure where to start with branding?

Talk to me here.

My Style

Most people think they are awkward in front of the camera.  My primary goal during your session is to help you get completely relaxed so you can show your genuine self and enjoy your experience.

Since we will have already met for a design consultation and wardrobe consult, we will already be more comfortable with each other than a brand new acquaintance.  This helps most people relax much faster.  I like to get you so engaged in what we are doing that you forget about why you are there.  I ask lots of questions, if you are unlucky I will share some of my very bad jokes, and I always know we are on the right track as soon as I start to see real, genuine responses and expressions in the images I capture.

I also pay close attention to common posture and posing mistakes, and will keep you at your best and most flattering throughout the session.

Gear Check

I’m a Canon girl, so that’s what you’ll find in my bag.  I love using off-camera lights & reflectors to add a little eye-sparkle and brighten faces.  I also love getting creative with off-camera flash for clients that need a little more dramatic look. I travel with a few props for on-site sessions.  You can find me the day of your session with my kit packed to the brim in a rolling case and one large tote, which I haul from location to location to get the best shots and the most variety out of each set up.

What I love…

…about photography.  There are two different bodies of knowledge you need to be a great photographer, and I have yet to get tired of learning about either.  There are all the technical aspects of understanding how to read light and adjust your equipment accordingly.  And then there is the challenge of connecting with the people you are photographing and finding ways to help them relax, forget about you, and show you flashes of who they really are.

It is putting those two completely different skill sets together, each of which could fill an entire library with theory and how-to volumes, that keeps me completely hooked.  I would love to work with you and show you just how beautiful real emotion and real connection are, captured to enjoy forever.

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